Loans for Consolidating Debt

Debt consolidation loans have emerged as a tool that, when used correctly, can alleviate the stress and burden of managing multiple debts simultaneously.  

In an era when financial burdens seem to accumulate daily, the search for effective solutions to manage debt has become increasingly important for many. 

With the potential to simplify your financial obligations, lower the overall interest rates you’re liable for, and restore control over your financial future, these loans can offer you a lifeline to regain a degree of financial freedom. 

In this article, we’ll explore debt consolidation loans, their fundamentals, and their use to streamline debt.  

Whether you’re grappling with a mountain of credit card bills, burdensome loans you took out as a student, or various other debts, understanding the circumstances where debt consolidation can be used could help you pave the way towards securing a brighter financial outlook. 

If you’re looking for a simpler way to keep on top of repayments, read on to discover how debt consolidation loans can be used to help streamline your finances. 

What is debt consolidation? 

Debt consolidation combines multiple debts into a single loan product. 

It’s designed to simplify the repayment process and make it more manageable if you simultaneously juggle various outstanding debts. 

So, instead of communicating with multiple creditors and keeping an eye on a few repayment schedules, debt consolidation can allow you to merge your debts into a single monthly payment, usually carrying a lower interest rate than you’d pay on all combined debts. 

The process normally involves taking out a new loan, often called a ‘debt consolidation’ loan, to pay off your existing debts in full.  

This new loan can be obtained from a traditional bank, a credit union, or other financial institutions.  

Once the consolidation loan is obtained, you will use the cash deposited in your bank account to repay any existing debts, leaving you only one loan to focus on.  

Why do people use debt consolidation loans? 

One of the main goals of debt consolidation is to gain access to a lower interest rate than what you were paying on your previous debts, which are being consolidated.  

Employing this strategy could potentially reduce your overall interest expenses and save you money in the long run.  

Consolidating multiple repayments into a single monthly instalment can help you manage debt and budget for loan repayments. 

Debt consolidation can be useful when used responsibly in the right circumstances, and whether or not it’s the right option depends on your situation.  

Suppose you are unsure whether debt consolidation is the right option for you. In that case, it’s advisable to discuss it with a financial advisor before applying, as they can offer advice tailored to your circumstances. 

Is it essential to have good credit to get a debt consolidation loan? 

While having good credit can make obtaining a debt consolidation loan in the UK significantly easier, it’s not necessarily essential.  

The eligibility criteria lenders set out for debt consolidation loans can vary among lenders, and some might be more flexible than others. 

Good credit can ultimately afford you a stronger bargaining position because, to many lenders, it demonstrates a record of financial responsibility.  

This helps them determine the risk level associated with lending to you. In many cases, banks may feel more confident lending to borrowers with a good credit history and may offer lower interest rates. 

However, even if your credit is not in the best standing, you might still find lenders willing to work with you.  

Some lenders actually specialise in providing loans to people with lower credit scores or a history of financial challenges. 

They understand that debt consolidation can be a positive step to get your finances back on track and can accommodate more niche circumstances. 

However, these lenders may also offer debt consolidation loans, which come with slightly higher interest rates or additional requirements for you to fulfil, such as providing collateral or finding a guarantor to provide extra security.  

Before you take the plunge, it’s worth noting that whilst you may be approved for a debt consolidation loan despite having less-than-perfect credit, the terms and interest rates offered may not be as favourable.  

This is unfortunate, but it protects the lender from any potential losses. 

It’s, therefore, important to carefully assess the terms you’re offered and determine if the loan will truly benefit your financial situation before signing on the dotted line. 

To improve your chances of obtaining a debt consolidation loan with poor credit, you could consider strengthening your creditworthiness before applying for a loan. 

This could include taking action like paying bills on time every time, reducing any credit card balances, and checking your credit report for errors. 

Which loans can I consolidate? 

As a practice, debt consolidation can allow you to combine various types of loans and debts into a single loan new loan.  

The specific loans and debts you can consolidate will depend on the policies of the lender or financial institution you choose to work with.  

However, in general, there are a few common types of loans which many people choose to consolidate.

Credit Card Debt 

Credit card balances with high interest rates are often specifically targeted for consolidation, as they can be quite costly.  

By consolidating a few different credit card debts into a single loan, you can work to simplify your payments and potentially secure a lower interest rate simultaneously. 

Personal Loans 

If you’ve got multiple personal loans at play, whether that’s from a bank, online lender, or any other sources, you may be able to consolidate them into one loan quite easily.  

This can work to streamline the repayment process and potentially reduce interest costs overall, leaving you a bit of extra cash per month to work into your budget. 

Dental Bills 

Dental expenses are not a fun way to spend money, and we’re sure you’ll agree. 

However, they can be very significant and unexpected and might accumulate over time, depending on the treatment required. 

Consolidating dentistry bills into one loan can make it much easier to manage and budget for repayment. 

Payday Loans 

Payday loans can be expensive, too. Due to the speed at which they’re usually processed, they often come with extremely high interest rates and fees tacked on to boot.  

Consolidating any lingering payday loans you’re yet to pay off can help you escape the cycle of high-cost borrowing. 

Ultimately, you may be able to transition to a more manageable repayment plan that doesn’t attract a high degree of interest or cause you sleepless nights. 

Other Unsecured Debts 

Depending on the lender’s policies at hand, you might also be able to consolidate other unsecured debts you’ve got on the back burner such as personal lines of credit, retail instalment loans, or other types of instalment loans on the market. 

It’s important to note that some categories of loan, such as mortgages and car loans, are normally not able to be consolidated through a debt consolidation loan.  

These loans are usually secured by collateral, and their consolidation would require a slightly different approach, such as refinancing. 

If you’re struggling to manage these repayments, it’s advisable to contact your lender, as they may be able to organise terms that are more manageable for you. 

You can also consult third parties like Citizens Advice or your local council for help. 

What’s the bottom line? 

When considering the path of debt consolidation, it’s important to assess the terms and conditions offered by a variety of lenders, including the relevant interest rates at hand, the length of repayment terms, and any associated fees which may hit your bank account.  

Understanding the potential benefits and drawbacks which come with consolidating each type of loan can ensure you’re making a more informed decision based on your specific financial situation and the goals you’re pursuing. 

Before you take out a loan

When looking into debt consolidation loans, you will find a range of options. So it’s worth taking your time to try and find the best choice for you. You can use the calculator on this website to compare different loans from various lenders.

As taking out a loan is an important decision aside from comparing loans you should think if you have any other options before taking one out. If you have any savings, it might be beneficial to use these instead because you may find that the interest you pay on a loan will be higher than any interest you earn from your savings.

To compare the latest homeowner loan deals with other leading loan rates, we have partnered with Fluent Money, which is the largest UK independent homeowner loan broker.

Click here for the best UK homeowner debt consolidation deals from £3,000.


Can I use debt consolidation on a mortgage? 

Unfortunately, you typically can’t use traditional debt consolidation methods to consolidate a mortgage you have ongoing.  

Debt consolidation is normally used solely for unsecured debts, like credit cards, personal loans, or dental bills.  

Conversely, mortgages are secured loans which are backed by collateral, usually consisting of your home.  

To consolidate a mortgage you want lower interest rates on, you would likely need to explore refinancing options as part of the individual arrangement. 

This would traditionally involve obtaining a new mortgage to pay off the existing one.  

Is debt consolidation a trustworthy method? 

Yes, debt consolidation is a popular method for managing and reducing debt. 

When applied responsibly, debt consolidation can offer several potential benefits, such as simplifying payments, potentially lowering the interest rates you’re liable for, and providing a clearer path towards eventually becoming debt-free.